Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Luther and the Reformation

We often talk about the difficulty in progressing the reformation. The opposition new ideas faced and the opposition those with the new ideas faced. But we seldom talk about how difficult it was (for those making the reformation happen) to decide to actually DO IT. Luther, a film made in 2003 starring Joseph Fiennes, chronicles the life of Martin Luther and does an excellent job my father-in-law thinks it was too "theatrical") of displaying the internal struggle Luther went through in bringing about his act of schism and reformation. The internal struggle is where the real fight is located. Are we willing to fight that battle ourselves?
This is where thinking  becomes difficult - where my head blows up. Our professors spoke about China's censorship on the internet in their blog. I found another interesting blog here:

China tightens Internet controls in the name of fighting porn, piracy, and cybercrime

I can't explain how opposed I am to this practice. I started thinking about the internal struggle of Luther and the defence of Milton... Who are our Milton's? Who are our Luthers? I started looking around and found some other likes and sites: Who am I - Essence of MLK's leadership - savetheinternet.com - Freedomhouse.org 

I worry that I have the strength of conviction to ponder these issues. but do I  - or do any of us - have the strength of "time" or of "priority" to be a Luther today? or do we just sit about blogging our complaints and let it happen anyway?

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting because I was just thinking myself about the price that we pay for the freedom of the press. It is a steep price, and there are always those who are trying to take it away.
