Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who is John Gault?

Atlas Shrugged is a classic engaging and LONG treatise on the virtue of selfishness. While that may sound like an opposite to most people's moral view of how life is supposed to be the happy reader will find it a valuable reiteration of the economic principles of life spawned by Adam Smith. (I've heard it said that there is no humbler name than John Smith - but Adam Smith has to come somewhere near that, right? I mean, Right?)


So, This is for you two, Professor Gideon Burton and Professor Daniel Zappala.

Am I learning what I was meant to be learning? Well, that's a tough question for me. Harder perhaps than a recommend interview (just a second Prez, I need to look into the black hole and see if there's at least a night light in there before I answer this one...).