Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fire and Algorithms: The Power of God?

Thou shalt - Thou shalt not. The scriptures are replete with God's Algorithms for our lives. Yet the Algorithm is largely unwritten (kinda like Open Source software that has only been sketched out). What? I'll explain.

A fire broke out on a military establishment in Utah. Let's just say that a certain blogger is also connected with the blogger and started the fire firing a 50 caliber machine gun. One of the hot rounds found its resting place on the side of the hill near the broken down vehicles placed as targets on a well supervised designated firing range. That hot round caused the dry brush to catch fire - an occurrence well known to the range. High winds spread the fire faster than anticipated by the Range Control. The result - a specific city had to be evacuated by a certain blogger and the state went on emergency status. Where does that fit into the Algorithm?

People who live up in that particular area consider themselves "Constitutionalists" which apparently means that they only read the part about individual rights because they do not consider any governmental groups to have any right to "rule over them." Where does that fit into the Algorithm?

Here's the open source part: When one creates a program open source it starts with a great idea that is made great by the users. People have to figure out all the bugs and holes and fill it so that it is user friendly and customizable. The main part is that the skeleton of the program - the initial algorithms placed by the inventor remain to guide the finessing of the users. With what we have now we have the opportunity to make the plan the best for all and for ourselves. What will you do with it?

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