Friday, November 26, 2010

Hollidays and Stuff

When you do too much you get into highway hypnosis... I think there'a a better, more "real" name for it, but that's the syndrome you get when you've been driving 70 miles an hour and you're so used to the speed that you somehow forget to slow down when getting off the freeway. The point is, sitting around relaxing is just as stressful as over-working... it's like waking up every 10 minutes from a nap thinking, "I'm late for work!"

As for some of my ambitious goals... I am collaborating with a friend on a christmas party... we hit the facebook route, but I'm still desirous to make a good social network program and party collaboration site. I still seem to be locked out of fixing the website for my final project... but, I got time to make it work... and I saw Harry Potter, so... I've got some stuff accomplished.

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