Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A brave new frontier... ?

I'm no fan of Porter Rockwell. Mormon's seem to love him because he is one piece of excitement in the LDS history. Now, I don't mind Porter, I just don't see why he's more exciting than say Billy the Kid? But I have wanted to find out about the hype... And discussing how we as a nation moved into the "wiki wiki wild... wiki wiki wild wild west..." (no, thank you, Fresh Prince)
I thought reading the novelized version of this rugged frontiersman would be worth it. I hear it is interesting, riveting, and historically accurate (whatever that really means). 4 volumes... yikes. But the truth is that it will be 100 years before some Mormon makes a worth-watching film about the man, so... there goes the next few weeks free time.

Based on the books by Jeff Lindsay Dexter is a very good archetype of a modern day civil disobedient character... True, he doesn't squat and settle lands he's told to stay off of - he kills serial killers. He's a vigilante - something America has been fascinated with since before Superman. But Dexter is more like our modern day. He never dresses up, he plays himself all day long and then goes behind the system (that he works for!) to accomplish what he needs (and what he sees as right - for him and everyone). That's me too. I'll hold to my 5th rights, but I've gone around the system plenty... And I'm all for the digital frontier and it's offered freedom... But every frontier (like Vegas and Peer-to-Peer stuff) has their viruses... or dangers... but the lure for seemingly pure freedom is often too much for those full of the "American Spirit." Come on seven...

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